
Delivering the Garden-fresh Advantage to Factories
Chemical-residue-free Tea
Assured High Quality Green Leaf
Better Marketability & Price Realization
Experienced and dedicated tea factories seek chemical-free and good-quality leaves. Factories that align their processes with TRINITEA have better access to a regulated procurement of green leaf/leaves. The factories get the ‘garden fresh’ advantage as they process and package their tea from the leaves produced by the self-assured small growers, located in the closest vicinity, thus eliminating time lag.

The best quality of leaves procured directly from self-assured small growers
Workers’ Safety
Sustainable garden practices means healthy working culture and livelihood for the workers
Self-assessment and farm-to-cup traceability ensuring transparency throughout the supply chain
Food Safety
Better control of heavy metals all through throughout the smallholder supply chain with traceability
Climate change mitigation, better/improved farm management & water-use efficiency
The best quality of leaves procured directly from self-assured small growers
Self-assessment and farm-to-cup traceability ensuring transparency throughout the supply chain
Workers’ Safety
Sustainable garden practices means healthy working culture and livelihood for the workers
Food Safety
Better control of heavy metals all through throughout the smallholder supply chain with traceability
Climate change mitigation, better/improved farm management & water-use efficiency
Thanks to the farm-to-cup traceability, factories that are part of TRINITEA become significant players in the sustainable tea supply chain. Starting from the gardens of the small tea growers, the leaves pass through agents, collection points, drivers, factories, packers and retailers before reaching the consumers. The QR code technology allows consumers to know about the origin of the tea. The packers can trace every stage in the procurement including the leaf processing in factories. The adoption of TRINITEA is critical and advantageous for the factories as they get/gain access to the assured and sustainable leaf supply, which in turn brings them commercial benefits.

Find Your
Tea Area (Hectare)
Number of Growers
No. of Factories
Support center
Ranjan Circar, (International Program Coordinator)
+91 33 4060 2209 ranjan.circar@solidaridadnetwork.org

TRINITEA Support Centers
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Extensive trainings and knowledge enhancement programs for farmers on good agricultural practices with a seamless process for certification.
Ability to trace the garden leaves sourced from small growers who are certified and added to the TRINITEA framework.
Good agricultural practices to ensure only chemical-free, safe and good quality leaves reach the factories.
Location of the gardens in close proximity and optimized procurement cycles resulting in input cost reduction for the factories.
Assurance of better quality leaves from certified farmers, with cost advantage providing market leverage.